Resource for SharePoint farm upgrade with server name change
// Kevin Guyer - 2013 // Node.js script to handle server (SharePoint) name changes // This is designed to catch the use of old urls and present an infomational page with the new url to the resource // Test with this to see URL altering: http://localhost:8080/hr/foosite/barsite/somelibrary/somedoc.pdf // Intercept incoming port 80 or 443 (needs to operate on both) - set the port below for flavor you are running var http = require('http'); var url = require("url"); var server = http.createServer(); server.on('request', function(request, response) { var hostname =; var newHostname = 'https://yournewfarmpath'; // no trailing slash, set to your new farm/server name and path var pathname = url.parse(request.url).pathname; var newPathname = pathname; var query = url.parse(request.url).query; // optional, not used yet // Run match logic on array elements to determine what needs to be displayed var aResPath = pathname.split('/'); // Modify path elements as needed with element matching: var wasAltered = false; if(aResPath.length >=1){ try{ if(aResPath[1].toLowerCase() == 'hr'){ aResPath[1] = 'HumanResources'; wasAltered = true; } if(aResPath[3].toLowerCase() == 'barsite'){ aResPath[3] = 'NewBarSite'; wasAltered = true; } // add others as needed, sites on root starting at index [1]... } catch(err) { // handle as desired... } if(wasAltered == true){ console.log("Detected swap string in path, altering output."); newPathname = ''; for(i = 1; i < aResPath.length; i++){ newPathname = newPathname + '/' + aResPath[i]; } } } // Build response message var payload = '<h2>Oops.</h2><p>The url you attempted to reach (<em>' + hostname + pathname + '</em>) is no longer valid.</p>'; // Optional: Build and supply a best bet url payload += '<p>Our best guess for the new url for this resource is <a href="'+ newHostname + newPathname+'">'+ newHostname + newPathname+'</a>.</p>'; payload += '<p>Please update your favorite or link source to reflect this new address.</p>'; // Optional step to log the old url hit via a web API (REST) - todo... // Build and deliver response response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/html"}); response.write(payload); response.end(); }); var port = 8080; // change this to 80 or 443 as needed server.listen(port); server.once('listening', function() { console.log('Redirect server is now listening on port %d', port); });