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Blog Reboot

Well, I've finally decided to attempt this again.  I think a portion of my reluctance to pick the effort back up was in managing my local instance of WordPress so I made a clean break to SquareSpace and put my money where my mouth is.  I've been recommending them to others for years now and even done a little freelance work on the platform.

I am generating some code at work that may prove helpful to others and have decided that I need to get it out and available to others, giving back to a community that I have been playing a one-sided game with for a while now.

I'll save a few posts from my old blog but plan on letting many of the others go, like old friends that you remember fondly but realize you may be better off with memories of than bumping into every few years.  I'm keeping the blog name though as I feel I never gave it attention enough to do it justice.  Here we go.

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