Painting Gallery
2 Fools
Portrait of my brother and me when I was shaggy.
Always Sunny Eyes
The cast of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I've done a few versions of this with some different expressions and they sell fast.
Beck - partial
Commissioned piece.
Young Beck - Full
Commissioned piece.
Ben Browder
An early painting of mine, part of the 'Best Starship Captains Ever' series though he, as John Crichton, was a commander and not captain...
Cornhole Boards
Some custom cornhole boards I painted.
Crow 1
Part of a planned series of many crows.
Crow 2
Part of a planned series of many crows.
Cylon with Circuitry
Painted the Centurion then added the Larson circuit that I had built, fitting it to run on USB with 3 variable speeds. Framed to hang or sit on your desk.
Holy crap I got red paint everywhere. This was fun.