Um, Google, this isn't working
Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 9:25PM
Kevin in Google+, Rambling, Rant

Scenario: My daughter, under 18, has been using Google Buzz to communicate with her friends now since it came out because we will not let her have a Facebook account yet.  Facebook is not a organization that I feel has the user's best interest in mind.  Google though I feel more comfortable with as she has a very level head on her shoulders.  Although none of us adults were using it, what I've come to learn is that apparently Buzz is the shiznit for the young folks.

So, Google is now killing the Buzz service that anyone could access, regardless of age and is barring young folks from using Google Plus.  The solution is that, en masse, they all open new Google accounts with fake ages.  This strikes me as bad for Google and not really what I would, as a parent, advocate.

So my daughter discussed this with me, we talked about social networking and have discussed sensible online behaviour for years now and asked me to help her get Google Plus enabled for her.  I think she is mature enough to handle this model, but Google locks you out really well, your only recourse is to wait until you turn 18.  No ability for a parent to override or opt in.

So now she has a bogus account just to interact over plus.  What did they expect?  They are inviting a huge user base to provide them with incorrect information that we all know they use for marketing purposes so protecting the integrity of that data seems like it would be a high priority.  Locking the service down to 18 years of age is asking for bad data.  This isn't working guys.

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